How to setup Digi Home Fibre with TP-Link AX6600 router

TP-Link AX6600 - Digi Home Fibre Setup Guide

I'm putting this up as a reminder for myself just in case I reset my router to factory settings.

If you've found this useful please let me know in the comments below.


Step 1.

Login to your router via

Step 2.

Follow the quick setup wizard

i) Select your timezone

ii) Select the WAN port *default is 2.5G but makes no difference because here max is 800mbps

iii) Select PPPOE

iv) Key in your Digi Home Fibre username and password
***PRO tip***
Username is usually formatted like this ""
Password is usually formatted like this "Digi123" or "Digi234" or "Digi345" and so on...etc
If you still have your installer handphone contact him and he could assist you. I know mine did.

Step 3.


Click on the "Special ISP Settings IPTV/VLAN" word below your username and password

Select "Custom"

And key in

Internet VLAN ID: 629 <--- This is crucial or else no connection. The rest is just for fun.

Internet VLAN Priority: 0

802.1Q Tag Checked


VoIP VLAN Priority: 1


IPTV VLAN Priority: 2

IPTV Multicast VLAN ID: 1492

IPTV Multicast VLAN Priority:3

Enable IPTV Multicast VLAN Checked

LAN1: Internet

LAN2: Internet

LAN3: Internet

1G LAN: Internet

Then click Next

Step 4

Set your WIFI SSID and password

Step 5

Click next and wait for the router to save all the settings

If all is good you should be able to view the dashboard as below.

Optional step just to make sure telco is not ripping you off and you can actually obtain the bandwitdh you are paying for.

Visit and do a speed test

Cheers if you've made it all the way. Thanks for your time spent here going through this guide.

I decided to upload it because it was a long shot from what I expected to find from Google. Some of the information here is from such as the VLAN ID.

Hopefully, Digi or TP-Link could be more responsible to provide this type of easy guide in the future as this doesn't really require any advance technical skills just almost anyone who can understand English could do just as well.


hellfried said…
Hi I am in the process of configuring the AX73 router from TP-link. Before going into the web-based site do I need to connect the router to the computer first with an ethernet cable?
Bill said…
yes definitely, you could configure using any wifi device which has web browser too. Just that it might take more time to reconnect back when your wifi name has been change or when the router is rebooting.
Skywalker said…
I have tried countless time with tp link ax55…. Cant access to digi fiber… already key in pppoe n vlan id…. Dunno what went wrong…. Thought router faulty but loopcheck all good…
Bill said…
@Skywalker, if you've already keyed in the correct VLAN ID then better check your PPPOE username and password. If any of those are incorrect you wouldn't be able to get online...You can try to contact your installer, if you don't have your installer's contact number then try contacting Digi Helpline.
Unknown said…
I'm using Digi Fibre as well. Bought the AX6600. I can't connect to the net though. Which port did you connect from the modem to router?
Bill said…
Hi Unknown, please refer to this video @ 0:33 seconds Cheers, and thanks for your comment!
Unknown said…
Hi, can u help me for the setup PPPOE. i am testing my friend router which is tp link ax50 using your setup and good news, have connection. but when i am using my NEW router that i bought which is tp link AX73 using the same setting as your, no internet. Can u help me.
Unknown said…
@hellfried, what are the setting ISP for ur PPP0E for your AX73?can u give me

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